Lead, aluminium, cadmium, mercury and arsenic are the best known heavy metals, but there are others. Poisoning with these elements concerns more and more people through food, air, water, certain medicines, certain vaccines, etc. Heavy metal pollution of the body is very toxic, particularly for the cells of the heart and nervous system.
Candidiasis is a fungal disease linked to the excessive development of a fungus, Candida albicans, in the intestine. This fungus can also take hold and spread to the entire digestive system (including the mouth), to the vagina and to the skin. It can also proliferate inside the body, affecting certain organs and generating symptoms.
But what if we were to consider that Candidiasis can help the body to excrete heavy metals?
Symbiotic candidiasis
Candida albicans is not very present in a healthy intestinal flora. It thrives when the flora becomes unbalanced. Since it is associated with many health problems, it is generally considered as a pathogen. We easily forget that we live in symbiosis with our gut flora.
The term symbiosis means that our intestinal flora needs us to live and vice versa. Symbiosis is obvious when the body is healthy. It is less obvious when the flora changes and the state of health deteriorates. However, it is clearly a state of symbiosis.
In nature, fungi are known to fix and concentrate pollutants (it is advisable not to pick them up anywhere!). They are nature’s garbage collectors. Why should it be any different in our gut and in our body?
The evolution of the intestinal flora does not happen by chance. A gut that is heavily congested with poorly digested food is conducive to the development and maintenance of a “pathogenic” flora, in which Candida albicans grows. The latter becomes even more prevalent when the body’s tissues are heavily contaminated. This is why it is present in many chronically suffering people. Do not confuse the cause with the consequence! Candida albicans sets in because the terrain (or environment) is favourable.
A heavy metal purifier
The liver and kidneys, the major excretory organs of our body, have a limited excretion capacity for heavy metals. This is normal. In nature, we are not supposed to be regularly exposed to these pollutants. Moreover, too much excretion of these substances can lead to damage, which weakens the capacity of our major excretors (a very common problem in many victims of vaccination accidents).
In order to limit the accumulation of heavy metals in the most important organs (brain and heart) and thus protect them, the body stores what cannot be quickly removed in the bones. This is why it is often said that heavy metals have a strong affinity with bone tissue. This is a temporary storage area, where they can then be released gradually for removal.
But with the current widespread lifestyle, the liver and kidneys are in permanent overload and are not able to excrete heavy metals efficiently. Under such conditions, these pollutants concentrate both in the bones and inside the cells. Their toxicity alters the functioning of the cells and the organs.
When the concentration of heavy metals in the tissues increases and our organism can no longer cope effectively with their toxicity, the intestinal flora changes. Candida albicans first develops in the intestine, gradually lining the mucous membrane, and then creates filaments (like any fungus), which pass through the intestinal barrier and spread to the various poisoned tissues. Thus Candida can reach the heart or the nervous system.
Support for the major excretory organs
You may still think that candidiasis is more influenced by food than by cell fouling. It is true that Candida uses a number of substances from our diet to feed itself. By adopting a favourable diet, its presence can be reduced. However, it usually takes at least 6 to 12 months of very strict diet to completely eliminate candidiasis.
So diet or fouling? To answer this question, we need to look at fasting. During a fast, a person with candidiasis sees his or her symptoms evolve, sometimes more intense, sometimes reduced. These fluctuations are not caused by dietary influences, but follow the acceleration and deceleration of the cellular elimination of toxins. Sometimes there are symptoms of candidiasis, with itching and rashes, which occur after 3 to 4 weeks of water fasting. If we only take into account the diet, this recrudescence is not explainable.
Candida albicans helps the body to excrete certain toxins, including heavy metals. This excretion, and the subsequent evacuation, very often takes place through the skin, when the kidneys and liver are overworked. The skin is a less efficient organ than the liver and kidneys for the natural excretion of heavy metals.
Thanks to Candida albicans the body finds a new and efficient way of excreting highly toxic substances.